IFBT's testing activities in the field of fixing systems address anchoring elements made out of mineral building materials. These items range from mounting systems embedded in concrete and retrofitted systems (metal and plastic dowels) to the fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems.
Experimental tests and engineering assessments are carried out irrespective of the legal area involved, including for building inspectorates and professional associations. In addition, IFBT is a market-orientated, fast-working contractor assisting companies in the construction industry in the development and testing of new products and their application in unusually demanding circumstances.
IFBT has on its premises all the equipment needed to test fixing systems in accordance with the Guidelines for European Technical Approval for dowels. Moreover, highly scientific tests can also be carried out on building sites using the latest mobile testing systems. When special anchoring systems are involved, efficient experimental programmes are developed and carried out by working closely with the clients and relevant approval authorities (e.g. the EBA German Railway Authority and BAST German Highway Research Institute).
Complex assistance regarding rear-ventilated curtain façade systems includes in particular:
Assessment is carried out in accordance with DIN 18516, technical building standards, general constructional authorisation, and recommendations from the DIBt German Institute of Structural Engineering. Structures' stability and fitness for purpose are calculated and investigated experimentally as follows:
Even highly complex projects can be carried out quickly and competently thanks to close cooperation with specialist laboratories.
IFBT has successfully headed extremely complex projects in the field of product and range development. IFBT works side by side with powerful partners on market and trend analyses as well as sales strategies.
casa Tragwerksplanung Berlin
FVHF - Fachverband Baustoffe und Bauteile für vorgehängte hinterlüftete Fassaden e.V.
Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur Leipzig
Ingenieurbüro für Befestigungstechnik GmbH
Institut für Korrosionsschutz Dresden GmbH
MFPA Leipzig GmbH - Gesellschaft für Materialforschung und Prüfungsanstalt für das Bauwesen Leipzig mbH
mpa - Labor für Materialprüfung und -Analyse GmbH
S&P Ingenieure und Architekten